Freidel, Frank [1916-1993]

The presidents of the United States of America / Frank Freidel ; contributing author : Hugh S. Sidey - Thirtheenth edition - Washington, D.C. : White House Historical Association, 1994 - 91 pages : photography

George Washington, 8.-- John Adams, 11.-- Thomas Jefferson, 13.-- James Monroe, 17.-- John Quincy Adams, 18.-- Andrew Jackson, 20.-- Martin Van Buren, 23.-- William Henry Harrison, 24.-- John Tyler, 27.-- James K. Polk, 29.-- Zachary Taylor, 30.-- Millard Fillmore, 33.-- Franklin Pierce, 35.-- James Buchanan, 36.-- Abraham Lincoln, 38.-- Andrew Johnson, 40.-- Ulysses S. Grant, 43.-- Rutherford B. Hayes, 44.-- James A. Garfield, 46.-- Chester A. Arthur, 49.-- Grover Cleveland, 51.-- Benjamin Harrison, 52.-- William Mckinley, 55.-- Theodore Roosevelt, 57.-- William H. Taft, 58.-- Woodrow Wilson, 61.-- Warren G. Harding, 62.-- Calvin Coolidge, 65.-- Herbert Hoover, 67.-- Franklin D. Roosevelt, 69.-- Harry S. Truman, 71.-- Dwight D. Eisenhower, 72.-- John F. Kennedy, 74.-- Lyndon B. Johnson, 76.-- Richard M. Nixon, 79.-- Gerald R. Ford, 80.-- Jimmy Carter, 83.-- Ronald Reagan, 84.-- George Bush, 86.-- William J. Clinton, 88.



Presidentes-Biografías-Estado Unidos

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