Williams, Eric Eustace [1911-1981]

From Columbus to Castro : the history of the Caribbean, 1492-1969 / Eric Eustace Williams - Second impression - London : Harper y Row Publishers, 1973 - 576 pages : illustration

Introduction, 11.-- Westward ho!, 13.-- Christopher Columbus and the discovery of the west Indies, 18.-- Gold and sugar, 23.-- White capital and coloured labour, 30.-- Spanish colonialism, 46.-- Colonial nationalism, 58.-- The cockpit of Europe, 69.-- The poor whites, 95.-- King sugar, 111.-- Capitalism and slavery, 136.-- The exclusive, 156.-- White colonials versus black colonials, 177.-- Crush the infamy!, 201.-- Down with colonialism and slavery! the haitian revolution, 237.-- Colonialism and slavery after the haitian revolution, 255.-- The abolition of the caribbean slave system, 280.-- The ordeal of free labour, 328.-- Asian immigration, 347.-- The west Indian sugar economy in the Nineteenth century, 361.-- The struggle for the world sugar market, 374.-- Nineteenth-century colonialism, 392.-- Manifest destiny, 408.-- The American Mediterranean, 419.-- The American sugar Kingdom, 428.-- Twentieth-century colonialism, 443.-- The colonial nationalist movement, 463.-- Castroism, 479.-- The future of the caribbean, 498.-- Select bibliography, 516.-- Index, 559.

Indias Occidentales--Historia

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