Roget's International Thesaurus /

Roget's International Thesaurus / revised by : Robert l. Chapman ; jacket design : William Graef - Fourth edition - New York : Harper & Row Publishers, 1984 - 1317 p : fotografía

Based on : Thesaurus of English words and phrases, by Peter Mark Roget

Biografy of Peter Mark Roget, ii.-- How to use this book, ix.-- Publisher's preface, xi.-- Peter Roget's preface to the firth edition, xiii.-- Foreword by Robert L. Chapman, xv.-- Synopsis of categories, xviii.-- Thesaurus of English words and phrases, 1.-- Index, 791.-- Abreviations used in the book, 1317.

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Roget, Peter Mark 1779-1869

Diccionarios y enciclopedias

R 413.21 R732 1984

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