Financial reform, monetary policy and banking crisis in Dominican Republic /

Santana, Ruddy

Financial reform, monetary policy and banking crisis in Dominican Republic / Ruddy Santana ; diagramación e ilustración de portada : Eric Simó - República Dominicana : Archivo General de la Nación, 2013 - 277 p. - Archivo General de la Nación ; Volumen 189 .

Contiene: bibliografía

Presentación, 13.- Prólogo, 15.-- Foreword, 19.-- Preface, 21.-- Chapter I. The transmission mechanism of monetary policy in developed countries, 23.-- Introduction, 25.-- Revival of interest on the financial-real interaction, 27.-- New theoretical developments, 27.-- Financial intermediation, 33.-- The financial contract, 35.--Borrower balance sheets and real activity: financial accelerator, 35.-- Theoretical propositions, 35.-- Money and credit views of the transmission mechanism of monetary policy, 39.-- Introduction, 39.-- The 'broad credit' and 'Bank Credit' approaches within the credit view, 41.-- 1Initial debate on the credit view (1st Phase), 42.-- Most recent works on the credit view (2nd Phase), 44.-- The balance-sheet channel of monetary policy, 44.-- Introduction, 44.-- Empirical studies on the balance sheet channel, 45.-- The bank lending channel of monetary policy, 47.-- Chapter II. The financial system and the transmission mechanism of monetary policy in developing countries, 51.-- Introduction, 53.-- The financial system in Latin America and others developing countries, 53.-- Banks are special in general and even more special in developing countries, 53.-- Characteristics of the banking system in developing countries, 57.-- The transmission mechanism in Latin America and others developing countries, 75.-- From operating to intermediate targets4, 76.-- From intermediate targets to policy goals, 86.-- Appendix, 91.-- Chapter III. Financial reform in developing countries, 97.-- Financial policies before financial reforms, 99.-- Theoretical basis: the tobin's model, 99.-- Policies in practice, 101.-- McKinnon-Shaw's framework for financial reform, 103.-- McKinnon's and Shaw's basic hypotheses, 103.-- Mathieson's open economy model of liberalization, 108.-- The practical results of financial liberalization, 113.-- Asymmetric information and pre-conditions for financial liberalization, 116.-- Chapter IV. Financial system and financial reform in the dominican economy, 123.-- Evolution of the dominican economy: 1990-2000, 125.-- The start of the reforms: 1991-1995, 129.-- Accelerated growth: 1996-2000, 135.-- Financial system and financial reform in the dominican economy, 137.-- Appendix, 155.-- Chapter V. Empirical evidence on the lending channel in the dominican economy, 161.-- The lending channel: the aggregate data evidence, 163.-- Characteristics of the data and empirical definition of the variables, 167.-- Estimated systems and estimation technique, 169.-- Results of the estimations, 171.-- The lending channel: The Micro Data Evidence, 177.-- Appendix 1, 185.-- Appendix 2, 190.-- Appendix 3, 192.-- Appendix 4, 194.-- Chapter VI. Empirical evidence on the effect of the financial reform on the effectiviness of monetary policy in the dominican economy, 215.-- Summary of results, 227.-- Appendix, 229.-- Chapter VII. From financial reform to banking crisis: concluding remarks, 239.-- References, 247.



Reforma económica--República Dominicana
Crisis económica --República Dominicana

República Dominicana --Condiciones económicas
República Dominicana --Política económica


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