Flora's plant names /

Flora's plant names / publisher : Gordon Cheers ; associate publisher : Margaret Olds ; art director : Stan Lamond ; consultant : Tony Rodd ; editors : Loretta Barnard, Dannielle Doggett, Fiona Doig, Kate Etherington ; typesetting and assembly : Dee Rogers - Portland, Oregon : Timber Press, 2003 - 376 páginas

Why have a dictionary of common names?, 6.-- aalwyn to azure monkshood, 9.-- Babaco to byfield fern, 25.-- Caballera de palo to cyprus turpentine, 62.-- Dacryberry to dyer`s woad, 101.-- Eaglewood to ezo-yama-hagi, 110.-- Fairies` thimbles to fuzzy deutzia, 116.-- Galangal to gypsy weed, 134.-- Hacksaw fern to hyuga giboshi, 155.-- Icaco to izote, 169.-- Jaboncillo to justicia, 173.-- Ka to kyusha linden, 179.-- La purisima to lyre-leaf green eyes, 184.-- Ma tai to mysore thorn, 197.-- Naboom to nutwood, 220.-- Oak to ozark witch hazel, 228.-- Pacaya palm to pyrethrum, 236.-- Qat to ryukyu viburnum, 269.-- Sabi star to syringa, 285.-- Tabasco pepper to two-wing silverbell, 324.-- Uabano to Utah serviceberry, 345.-- Valencia orange to vygie, 346.-- Wagner sage to wych elm, 352.-- Yabunikkei to yunnan poplar, 372.-- Zambac to zygadene, 376.




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